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Malawi Partnership

In 2010, the Upper Ohio Valley Presbytery began a partnership with the Domasi Presbytery and Ferry Church CCAP, in Malawi, Africa. From that partnership, the Presbytery sent three groups in 2010, 2012, and 2016. Below is our own Rev. Harden (far right) on one such trip.

More recently, Rev. Chaplain Stanley Chimesya visited our church. Rev. Chimesya is a prison chaplain for the Presbyterian church in Malawi covering over 22 prisons. The Deacons were able to raise the funds to bring Rev. Chimesya to us for one month (September, 2016). While here, he  worked with us, speaking from the pulpit and at other gatherings in the church. He also worked with our local prison and the chaplain at Belmont Correctional Institute, the state prison here in Belmont Co.  Additionally, Rev. Chimesya was able to visit our local public schools and meet with our own Troop 59 Boy Scouts. He was also the guest of the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary for several days. It was wonderful having him in our church and homes for the month. Especially for Rev. Chimesya, as this is the first time that he traveled to the US, it was a learning experience but for our congregation as well as we learned so much from him in so many ways!


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